A Children's Christmas Party
Donation Form
A Community Event of the
Westside Recreation Program 501 (c)
Littleton Elem. School, Avondale, AZ
December 16, 2023
Dear Community and Business Leaders:
The Westside Recreational Program (WRP) will be hosting the 13th Annual Children’s Christmas Party and Community Outreach Event on Saturday, December 16, 2023, on the campus of Littleton Elementary School in Avondale. This is an exciting and much anticipated event to benefit 160 low and fixed income families in the west valley, and an opportunity to address the issue of food insecurity in our community. Food insecurity occurs when families and children do not have access to healthy foods on a regular or consistent basis. According to the Arizona Food Bank Network, almost one in every four children do not consistently get the food they need to grow and thrive. This community outreach effort allows us to connect with these families so that they receive healthy foods they need. We know that when children get the meals they need their health improves and they do better in school. Additionally, 500 kids grades K through 6 will receive a free meal and a Christmas gift from Santa Claus. Moreover, we will distribute 160 holiday food packages consisting of dried goods, canned food and tortillas. Fresh fruit, drinks and snacks also will be distributed. Hygiene and essential items such as socks, blankets and pajamas will be available while supplies last. The event serves families from Avondale, Cashion, Goodyear and Tolleson. The families have been selected in cooperation with the Avondale, Littleton and Tolleson elementary school districts. In addition to a bbq lunch for all families; children will have the opportunity to get a free haircut and participate in interactive games. There also will be a free raffle for brand new bicycles and electronics. Additionally, vendor booths are available for local community groups and businesses to be on site passing out holiday giveaways and sharing community resource information. Of course, Santa Claus be will present to spread Christmas cheer.
The families invited to this event need our help. Many of them are at or below the poverty guidelines and struggle financially. In these times of uncertainty, these children and families need our help more than ever. This is why we are reaching out to you. As someone that cares about our community and the welfare of our children, we invite you to make a financial donation to help cover the cost of our community outreach event. Your financial donation will allow us to host 160 low and fixed income families; provide more than 500 meals; distribute more than 500 Christmas presents; and, distribute 160 holiday meal packages. By donating, you will help us add to the 1500 bikes, 4800 toys and 6000 meals our group has provided in the last ten years.
Thank you in advance for considering our request and we hope for a favorable response. We have attached a Donation Form for your consideration. Feel free to contact me or any of our committee members listed below, and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Best Regards,
Joe ”Pep” Guzman – Chairman joepepguzman@gmail.com 602-397-2870
Cynthia Del Sol 623-332-5342 cdelsol07@yahoo.com
Sam Garcia, Jr. 623-680-1894 garcia22060@yahoo.com
Carol Chavez 623-326-5040 carolchavez23.cc@gmail.com
Lupe Encinas 602-819-8133 goodies_glass@yahoo.com
Gloria Castillo 602-348-4518 gloriacastillo.consultant@gmail.com
Olivia Pineda 623-640-5476 oliviapineda77@gmail.com
Maria Villezcas 623-237-2808 mariav@driggstitle.com
Yolie Lopez 623-202-1603 yolie.lopez02@yahoo.com
John Arredondo 623-451-6066 r8rdawg70@msn.com
Frances Jones 623-910-7808 fjones03@cox.net
Westside Recreational Program 501c3 non-profit Id # 86-0765369
PO Box 1735, Avondale, AZ 85323